Comprehensive Plan for Piedmont Park – 2024

Welcome to Piedmont Park’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan page

Here you will find up-to-date information, important dates, and ways to engage in planning Piedmont Park’s future.

Shaping the Future of Piedmont Park

As an important step in envisioning the future of Piedmont Park for generations to come, the Piedmont Park Conservancy, in partnership with the City of Atlanta, will lead and undertake a comprehensive, community-driven planning effort in 2024. Park comprehensive plans are dynamic long‐term planning documents that provide conceptual layout to guide future park growth and development. These plans are externally focused, engage a broad array of citizens and stakeholders, and are required by the City of Atlanta prior to implementing capital development or expansion plans. Piedmont Park’s last comprehensive plan was developed in 1995 and has largely been realized. While smaller, targeted plans have been completed more recently, they were focused on specific expansion areas or aspects of the park and were not comprehensive in their scope or engagement of external stakeholders. Coupled with the unprecedented opportunity to expand the park’s acreage and amenities to the corner of Piedmont Avenue and Monroe Drive in concert with the proximate expansion of the Atlanta BeltLine and Atlanta Botanical Garden, the time is right for a new plan and vision for Piedmont Park. 

A Collaborative Process for Growth

  1. The planning will begin in May with soliciting broad ideas and concepts from the community on new park features, programs, and uses as well as any concerns related to these areas. Techniques will include community surveys, public forums, and online engagement. Key park user groups (e.g. runners, birders, naturalists, families, dog owners, etc.) will also be engaged to provide specific input and ideas based on their unique perspectives on the park. Additional feedback will be garnered from organized community groups, government leaders, donors, volunteers, corporate and civic leaders, and other park stakeholders. From these initial, varied inputs, concepts will be compiled, analyzed, and grouped to identify key themes and ideas and then presented again to the broader community and stakeholder groups for input.
  2. Once a clear set of guiding concepts and themes is determined, more specific schematic designs and plans will be developed to visualize how these elements may be represented throughout the park. Similar methods of in-person and online engagement will be used to garner input and reaction from the broader community and key stakeholder groups. Following this iterative process, a final vetted draft plan will be developed for review, consideration, and official approval by the City of Atlanta.

Ways to Engage

Stay tuned for more updates by checking back here or following us on social media or subscribing to our newsletter.  Have an idea now or want to learn more?  Email us at: [email protected].  

Thank you for helping us shape the future of Piedmont Park for generations to come!


  • June 2024

    Master Planning begins

    Solicitation of broad ideas and concepts from the community on new park features, programs, and uses as well as any concerns related to these areas.

  • December 2024

    Final Plan Draft to City of Atlanta for review and approval

    Specific schematic designs and plans will be developed to visualize how these elements may be represented throughout the park. Similar methods of in-person and online engagement will be used to garner input and reaction from the broader community and key stakeholder groups.

    The final output from this work will be sent to the City of Atlanta for review and approval.

  • Early 2025

    Plan Approval from City of Atlanta

    The City of Atlanta formally approves the plan and the Piedmont Park Conservancy leads the execution of the plan.

  • mid-2025

    Capital Campaign

    This campaign will prioritize the park’s expansion as the initial phase of the Plan’s implementation, followed by subsequent phases focusing on other areas within the existing park.

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