All events for Inner G Fest Wellness Festival

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Inner G Fest Wellness Festival

Inner G Fest Wellness Festival EVENT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this festival is to provide information and bring awareness to holistic health.  The festival will offer an organic vendor and market section, group workouts provided by different certified trainers, stage discussions with Doctors and specialists. EVENT LOCATION: Piedmont Park Three Day Event, 8A - […]


Inner G Fest Wellness Festival

Inner G Fest Wellness Festival EVENT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this festival is to provide information and bring awareness to holistic health.  The festival will offer an organic vendor and market section, group workouts provided by different certified trainers, stage discussions with Doctors and specialists. EVENT LOCATION: Piedmont Park Three Day Event, 8A - […]


Inner G Fest Wellness Festival

Inner G Fest Wellness Festival EVENT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this festival is to provide information and bring awareness to holistic health.  The festival will offer an organic vendor and market section, group workouts provided by different certified trainers, stage discussions with Doctors and specialists. EVENT LOCATION: Piedmont Park Three Day Event, 8A - […]

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