Young Professionals (YP’s) for Piedmont Park is an affinity group designed for individuals under 40. This group is passionate about having an urban greenspace in the heart of Atlanta for all residents and visitors to enjoy. The YP’s have regular strategy meetings, participate in fundraising initiatives, volunteer and engagement opportunities, and more!
Young Professionals membership through the Piedmont Park Conservancy is a great way to make a difference at your favorite park and build your network with like-minded individuals. The Conservancy’s mission is to enhance and preserve Piedmont Park. And we can’t do it without you.
Our YP group is focused on cultivating Atlanta’s next non-profit leadership by providing guidance and education around fundraising and how to leverage your network to support a cause.
By joining, YP’s commit to raising $1,000.00 a year (January 1st to Dec 31st) through a give or get model. This means that YP’s can either give a gift of $1,000 or get $1,000 through fundraising or corporate sponsorships over the course of one calendar year.
If you are interested in joining the Young Professionals please contact Anne Marchetta at