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Landscape Improvement on Piedmont Avenue

Avid runners and walkers of Piedmont Park will notice a vast different on Piedmont Avenue. The Piedmont Park Conservancy just completed a landscaping improvement at the north end of Piedmont Park creating a safer environment for pedestrians to travel along Piedmont Avenue towards the Monroe Drive entrance. The project cleared an immense gathering of brush and collective trash, and the removal of invasive species. Additionally, a decorative wall was installed to add another layer of curbside appeal.

Local jogger Amy says “I am [happy] to see the new section of the park off of Piedmont Avenue. As somebody that runs in that area quite a bit, it’s nice to not only see the sidewalk fixed, but just to see all of the beautiful landscaping.”





A less popular area of Piedmont Park, the former state of the north end was one of the remaining areas that needed vast improvement after the Piedmont Park Conservancy’s capital campaigns. Since 1989, the Conservancy has invested over $66 million into the park, and found the remaining area unacceptable.

“The north end landscape improvement was a natural next step to improving the Piedmont Park experience. We wanted to bring this area up to the expectations of what Atlantans know to be beautiful Piedmont Park,” says Mark Banta, President/CEO of the Piedmont Park Conservancy.

Appreciation goes to The Kendeda Fund for funding this project. The project was designed by HGOR. The construction was completed by Gibson Landscape. The Piedmont Park Conservancy is in conversation with the City of Atlanta about the completion of the sidewalk improvement surrounding the north end of Piedmont Park.


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