Health & Wellness

Healthy Parks, Healthy Communities

Parks give us so much more than a space to play – they change our quality of life, improve our mental health and keep our city air clean!

Not to mention an urban Park’s effect on physical health – urban Parks provide a safe place for people to exercise away from busy streets, and motivates them to do so more. It helps relieve and even prevent symptoms of chronic illness, and saves city residents millions of dollars per year in medical costs.

Here at Piedmont Park, we go above and beyond to support the health of our neighbors with our wellness opportunities and commitment to a clean and accessible greenspace.

Conservancy Wellness Programs

Walking Club Button

Walk with the Conservancy on Tuesdays at 10am, with rotating topics and guest hosts.

Join the Conservancy and fellow park fans for a weekly club walk in Piedmont Park. This 45-minute walk is on Tuesdays at 10am. Each walk will feature different popular paths while answering any questions you may have about Piedmont Park or the Conservancy.

For questions, please contact Hannah Franklin at [email protected].

Meet in front of Dockside near the 12th St gate entrance, five minutes prior to departure. Walk up, no RSVP required.

See map below.

Free Yoga on the Active Oval! Grab your mat and head over to the Active Oval, because you’re bound to meet a ton of great people and maybe even find a great workout buddy!

Other Health and Wellness Ideas

Engage in Mindfulness

  • Participate in the City Nature Challenge
  • Meditate on Dockside
  • Fish at Lake Clara Meer
  • Tai Chi on Oak Hill
  • Walk the Northwoods
  • Meet up with an old friend

Recreate and Have Fun

  • Cycle
  • Roller-skate
  • Run the Active Oval
  • Build muscle at Active Oval outdoor gym
  • Swim at the pool
  • Join a fitness class
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