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How to Stay Active During the Quarantine with Northside Hospital

Many of us have grown used to the self-quarantine lifestyle. Most of our days are spent at home, either helping young family members with their schooling, working from home, or immediately returning home from your job. It can be hard to focus on your physical activity and move every day, especially after what could potentially be months of a sedentary lifestyle.

To increase access to health professionals and expert advice, the Piedmont Park Conservancy is collaborating with Northside Hospital Orthopedic Institute-Sports Medicine to host Move! Mondays in 2020, a virtual series on how to increase your physical activity during quarantine. 

In this special interview with Orthopedic Surgeon John Andrachuk, MD, we learn about how sports medicine is for everyone, advice on getting back into an active lifestyle and more.


About Northside Hospital Orthopedic Institute-Sports Medicine:

The team at Northside Hospital Orthopedic Institute-Sports Medicine offers comprehensive care and personalized services based entirely around the needs of athletes. As a center for orthopedics and sports medicine, their team takes care of your every need – from injury prevention to performance services and athletic training to orthopedic surgery. They provide services for athletes of all ages, including orthopedic and sports medicine care for children, across a wide range of specialties. Learn more.

Check out some of their videos: Nutrition Tips for Runners and Injury Prevention Running Tips.

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