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Pitch in for Piedmont Park by Volunteering

From events to park beautification to history tours, volunteers were there for it all. Without them, Piedmont Park could look quite different! For instance, a year ago the perimeter of Lake Clara Meer was shrouded in bushes that obscured views of the Atlanta skyline. Volunteers were essential in helping to clear the shrubbery to reveal the picturesque cityscape thousands flock to see annually.

“Volunteers are critical to the enhancement and preservation of the Park. I think the great thing about volunteering is the tremendous impact you’re making on the community.”

Kalia Edmonds, Community Involvement and Events Manager, Piedmont Park Conservancy

This past year, the Piedmont Park Conservancy welcomed over 3,487 volunteers who logged in over 9,649 hours towards the care and upkeep of Atlanta’s favorite park.

With 200 plus acres in the Park, there is no shortage of opportunities for those looking to get involved.

  • Volunteers at the Green Market might find themselves helping vendors set-up their booths or assisting in the education garden.
  • For those who are well-versed in history, try your hand at leading walking tours as a Tour docent! Docents teach visitors unique facts as they explore the Park.
  • Many volunteers assist with the Park’s frequent events, which often bring in thousands of visitors each year. Some of those include the Landmark Luncheon, Splish Splash Doggie Bash and Party for Piedmont Park.
  • For one of the most visible ways to pitch in, come aboard our Park beautification team to work on projects like laying down mulch (95% was done by volunteers last year!), pruning, or removing invasive plant species.
  • Sometimes the Piedmont Park Conservancy has a special projects for which they need a few extra hands. For those who still want to help but would rather do so indoors, check out becoming an administrative volunteer.

How you can you get involved?

The Conservancy is always looking for motivated individuals or groups who are eager to help make the Park even better. Volunteers simply choose the area where they’d like to contribute or where they feel their skills would be most beneficial. All skill levels are welcome and all are appreciated! Those who’d like to volunteer on a more consistent basis should consider attending Pull for Piedmont, a monthly park beautification effort where attendees enjoy refreshments and meet others in the community.

Guest Post by Aliya Seymour