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Piedmont Park comes alive as you experience the Park with your kids. Before you begin your park adventure, download the following worksheets for your children. Explore the unique animal tracks in the brush. How well did you score on the scavenger hunt? Can you answer the following questions? Have fun and good luck finding the answers during your day at the Park.

2020 At-Home Educational Activities

Need something fun to do while stuck at home? Our Education team has been hard at work to put together at-home activities to promote learning! Check out our resources, which are being updated every weekday. ¡Disponible en español también!

Join our Nature Flock! Color one of our birds, tell us what you learned, and send a photo of you and your bird to fieldtrips@piedmontpark.org. We can’t wait to hear from you, and see what activities you’ve been doing!

Get your bird here!

What Does the Park Look Like Under a Microscope?

Check out our ‘CELL’fies! Can you guess what is under the microscope? Hover over the image to see the answer.

Fun Printables

Animal Tracks

Piedmont Park is home to wildlife. In addition to the human visitors like yourself, many other animals with fur, feathers and scales visit or live in the Park. Use this guide to identify animals by their tracks!

Scavenger Hunt
How well do you know Piedmont Park? Test your Park knowledge and observation skills with this exciting scavenger hunt!

Tiger Swallowtail
You might find this bright yellow butterfly here in the Park. The tiger swallowtail is Georgia’s state butterfly! Print and decorate the sheet to match your butterfly to this state symbol. Teachers and parents with students will enjoy the life cycle stages activity as well.

Habitat Hunt “I Spy”
This worksheet is a great opportunity for Park visitors of all ages, even those who are not yet reading, to look at the Park in a different way. Play “I Spy” while identifying colors, shapes and different living things found in Piedmont Park.

Market Basket Hat
Learn about healthy fruits and veggies for your next visit to Green Market. Create a fun hat to wear displaying foods farmers bring to market. Add fruits and veggies of your own too!

Habitat Safari
On your next trip to Piedmont Park, use this scavenger hunt to learn more about the Park and the wildlife who make their homes here.

Nature Hunt
Use this worksheet to create a “fortune teller.”  This special park fortune teller provides an opportunity for a different nature walk each time you use it. Use your observation skills and explore the Park!

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